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Brand Ambassadors 2019

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This year we have something new!

We have selected the best riders that are very present and active in the Unicycle world right now to represent as our Brand Ambassadors.

Simon Berry

Hi, I’m Simon, and it’s a pleasure to partner with in 2019. UDC have supported my riding since 2010, and I’m very excited to go forward doing what I do best: sharing my passion with the community, as well as promoting unicycling by performing at events and working with the media. I ride/scheme/create/party with the STFU London squad, and my favourite thing about riding at the moment is seeing such a wholesome, inclusive, and passionate community grow at our meet-ups around the UK.

Roos Seegers

I am a motivated rider who wants to learn more and more. I like to help other riders with their dreams and I like to promote the sport as match as I can.

Daniel Ackerman

I’m Daniel from Isreal, my main style of riding is flatland. I love unicycling because it’s challenging to land new tricks and get them consistent and to meet people around the world and ride with them.