The UDC team will lead Muni rides from Swainby via Cod Beck (North Yorkshire). The ride is for all ability of Muni riders. The ride starts in Swainby and can pick up riders by the lake. It then takes you over the broad trails overlooking the Cod Beck reservoir and then up to the Masts […]
Muni Ride Osmotherly (North Yorkshire) – Saturday, 4 May 2024
The UDC team will lead a Bank Holiday weekend Muni ride at Osmotherly (North Yorkshire). The ride is for all ability of Muni riders. The ride will take you over the broad trails overlooking the Cod Beck reservoir and then up to the Masts with views over Teesside. Approximately 10km. When where: Meet at Cod […]
British Muni Weekend – November 2022 – Lake District
Pickwick Bicycle Club Ordinary Cycle race
BMW Coed y Brenin 2022
Swedish 3 Day Penny Farthing Race
UNICON – Grenoble 2022
UNICON is the name given to the Unicycle World Championships. Although it is a lot more than that, it is a gathering of 2500 of the top unicyclists from all around the world to celebrate unicycles.
The event is run every two years at a different venues/countries. It had not happened for 4 years due to the pandemic by the time this years event happened.
Elodie’s Unicycle Half Marathon
Celebration of Penny Farthing Club
Unicycling at British Juggling Convention (BJC)
The British Juggling Convention is one of the largest events in the world of it’s type. There is always a large unicycle contingent to it but this year it will be even bigger! Unicycle Skills are putting together a wide range of unicycle activities.