Check out our new special addition Bumblebee Beginner Trials Unicycle! Great for kids wanting to start learning trials unicycling. You don’t even have to use this unicycle for trials. Its great for riding on rougher terrain outside. Grab it now before it sells out for Chiristmas!
Retro Unicycles, get new photos.
Quick advert from Kris Holm.. (US)
Here are a couple photos we have been sent from our partners in the USA. They are attending Interbike, check out the UDC branding! We love it!.. We will have to get one of those Gazebos and I’m trying to sweet talk Amy to give us all couple of those lanyards too.
Do you have unicycle skills?
If not you need our newest DVD that’s just gone up on the site, which is entitled… “Unicycle Skills”. It’s a brand new DVD from New Zealand for beginner unicyclists and has now replaced our ‘One Wheel No Limit’ DVDs in all of the learner packs and with doing this the learner packs are now […]
19″ Nimbus ‘Blizard Signature’ Trials
Nimbus Shadow Handle Testing
The new Nimbus Shadow handle has had couple of failers where the base has been snapping, so naturally this just wouldn’t do and we’ve redesigned how the base was welded so it was much stronger! As you can see from the video we’ve simulated a fall off the unicycle, where the base would be put […]
Unicycle Stands..
Mongolia Unicycle Tour
I have returned from Mongolia after completing the Monguni Tour.  The tour was organised Ken Loo from New Zealand and Bike Asia. The ride covered 240 KM over 10 days. There were a mixture of rider abilities and also unicycles. Riders included Nathan and Beau Hoover and Kris and Shannon Holm.
Roger rides in Mongolia
Roger joins the Monguni tour riding 240 miles over mostly wilderness. Read more