Here we have Rachael’s Nimbus Eclipse as I promised. The spec of Rach’s is pretty much the same as mine but she’s gone in a little bit of a different direction with the powder coating! Very Sparkly! The saddle is another prototype from Taiwan and with Rach being a bit of a sparkle freak before […]
Staff Unicycles ‘Part6’
Well its another one of mine, and I must admit my favourite, my
Staff Unicycles ‘Part5’
Well it’s another one of my unicycles today, my ‘raw’ 24″ Kris Holm unicycle, its raw because the frame comes from our US franchise and is un-finished it’s just the aluminium clear coated. So at the top we have a 2007 Kris Holm Freeride saddle in black that’s on a Black Nimbus aluminium seatpost which […]
Staff Unicycles ‘Part4’
Today we have Rachael’s 24″ Muni which is a little special, because as far as we know it’s the only one in existence. The frame was going to be the New Nimbus Muni but was never put into production so the prototype frame made it in to Rachael’s hands. So as normal start at the […]
New Product!.. Just a cheap one..
Staff Unicycles ‘Part3’
Nimbus X.. Dont you mean Eclipse?
This is a very special looking Nimbus X we built up for a customer, we had very clear instructions “Pink and Black please” so, we binned the chrome frame and found one of the last Nimbus X frame in black we had removed the white tyre and replaced it with a Gusset Pimp tyre in […]
Staff Unicycles ‘Part2’
So Staff Unicycles lets start with my trials unicycle 19″ Nimbus Trials with few things change of course.. Lets start at the top and work our way down, First the saddle is the 2009 Kris Holm ‘Street’ saddle in orange with the Kris Holm Stiffener plate which makes the saddle extremely stiff the handle never […]
Staff Unicycles ‘Part1’
We noticed that there was a few of the UDC’s staffs unicycles kicking round UDC headquarters so we’ve decided to run a few blog posts (Staff Unicycles) detailing what unicycles that Team UDC ride with detailed pictures of the unicycles and specifications on what parts were used to build them. So to start off here […]