Standard Highwheels Type #1 16″ x 20c Tyre


Standard High wheels Type #1 16″ x 20c Tyre

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SKU: tyre16Tyre1BLK

A special penny farthing PU tyre moulded in one piece.

The tyre has a classic look with two straight threads only. The tyre is made 4,5% smaller than the nominal size and are stretched when mounted on the rim. As fitted to the Standard high wheel, Trott & Son and UDC Penny Farthings.


  • Width: 20mm
  • Inner width: 14mm
  • Height: 15mm
  • Material: Microcellular Polyurethane (PU)
  • Hardness: ShoreA60

TYRE 16″ Outside diameter (stretched): 430mm (Weight: 290g)