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UNICON – Grenoble 2022

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UNICON is the name given to the Unicycle World Championships. Although it is a lot more than that, it is a gathering of 2500 of the top unicyclists from all around the world to celebrate unicycles.

The event is run every two years at a different venues/countries.  It had not happened for 4 years due to the pandemic by the time this years event happened.

This years long awaited UNICON was in Grenoble, France. The event lasted for 12 days and attracted 1500 competitors from all around the world.

The event is very broad in it’s appeal with 35 different events being catered for.  These include:

Road racing over distances of 10km or 42km and this year it included a 15km road hill climb with 1000m of climb.

Muni (mountain unicycling) which was based in the alpine resorts around the event using the red/black runs of the mountain bike courses.  This event includes uphill, downhill and X-country.

Freestyle. This is based in the gym and is mostly closely associated with figure skating.  Here there are events for individial, pairs, small and large groups.

Track. what is says… but it includes both straight racing, but also one footed, coasting, slow and backwards racing.

Urban. This includes Trials (like bike trials), Speed Trials (race off over trials cours), Flatland (battle based tricks competition), Street (flowing tricks using a purpose built skate park), high jump over bar and to a platform, track jump (rolling hops) and platform jump (static jump between platforms).

Team sports. Both Unicycle hockey and Unicycle Basketball are included.

Cyclecross… ok it get’s it’s own category as it is one of the most fun events at UNICON as it includes obsticles, running, muni and lots of laughing.  This year they had a team of volunteers with water pistols firing at the riders and a “hugs” point.

In all these events there is both age group as well as “expert” catagories.  Expert is the category for the best of the best.  These are often the ones to watch… and you can!  The main events were filmed and had a live feed which can be mostly found on YouTube.

The UK has a less organised team than some countries but still put out a good number of riders with over 35 of them this year. UK was represented by Roger.  He competed in road, muni, track, hockey and even some urban!  He brought back from the event a good collection of medals including a silver Expert medal for the 42km unlimited ungeared race.

The event is more than just competitions… it is about unicycling.  So during the event there was lots of other things to do including a ride up Alpes de Hues on unicycles, a parade around the town and an STUF London event!